An Update from Cape Cod Advocate
Now that things seem to be settling down into a new “normal.” We wanted to take this opportunity to provide an update on what we are...

Learn how to type
With education and life increasingly revolving around digital devices, learning to type at a young age is more important than ever.

An Update from MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education
Wow, what a morning. We were fortunate enough to join Special Education Directors across the state in a conference call with Russell...

FAPE during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Do you know the adage from Mark Twain, "If you don't like the weather in New England, just wait a few minutes?" Well, the same thing...

IEP Services During School Closings
We hope you and your family are adjusting to this “new normal”. Certainly we are all experiencing a significantly different life than...

You've got questions, we have answers
As COVID-19 (Corona Virus) impacts our daily lives, we thought it was a great idea to use our blog to provide some education-specific...

Summer camps for your special needs child
Despite the cold weather, now is the time to start planning for summer camps. They often fill quickly, especially those on Cape that...

Tina Qvarnstrom completes specialized training
Congratulations to Education Advocate Tina Qvarnstrom for completing the Special Education Advocate Training (SEAT), the only nationally...

Parents' IEP Clinic Set for Nov. 27. Register NOW for your 30-min. spot!
Cape Cod Advocate is offering 1-on-1, 30-minute sessions with one of our experienced and highly trained education advocates on Tuesday,...

Are your child's lower MCAS scores a cause for worry?
Results are in for last spring's MCAS tests and students in grades 3 through 8 are still struggling to meet or exceed expectations in...