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IEP Services During School Closings

We hope you and your family are adjusting to this “new normal”.  Certainly we are all experiencing a significantly different life than just a week ago.  As you know schools have been shut down per order of Governor Baker and school administrators are in the process of figuring out how to develop a workable solution to maintain your child’s skills.   Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE)  held a webinar yesterday with all the school districts (we were able to watch it too) to provided some direction during this unprecedented time.  Here’s what we’re hearing:

~ School districts are not required to provide direct special education supports to students while schools are closed due to COVID 19.  As such, the Districts will not be required to provide or account for compensatory services.  When school resumes, we’re confident that IEPs will be reviewed and services adjusted accordingly.

~ If your child is currently in the process of being evaluated, the process is currently on hold until school resumes.  The same holds true for Team meetings, mediations and hearings.

~ DESE is encouraging Districts to hold Team meetings virtually, although not required.  There is a lot to iron out contractually, logistically and technologically.

We have been working behind the scenes communicating with your child’s Team Chair and Special Education Director, offering support but also inquiring as to the plans they are currently putting into place.  Everything is fluid right now and can change on a moment’s notice.  We’ll continue to monitor and post as events warrant.



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